
Frito Corn Salad

A delicious, festive side dish recipe with a creamy, cheesy corn base and Chili Cheese Fritos for a fantastic crunch and tons of flavor!


Remember the time I took my shirt off and ran around my back yard in my bra taking pictures?

No? Oh, right… because I haven’t told you about that yet because it just happened. It literally just happened.

So, I take my food pics on the back porch because that’s where I have the best natural light in the afternoons (that’s sunlight, not Natty Light, though one could wonder since I just told you I didn’t have a shirt on).

Frito Corn Salad! A delicious, festive side dish recipe with a creamy, cheesy corn base and Chili Cheese Fritos for a fantastic crunch and tons of flavor!

This time of year, taking food pics can be a challenge because the sun goes down so early and my window of opportunity is pretty narrow.

I whipped up this (insanely delicious, stupid easy, totally addicting) salad and set about staging things to take some pictures. When I stepped outside, I realized the sun was setting QUICK so I knew I had to hurry with my little photo session

As I was taking pics I noticed the dish had this bizarre orange tint? No matter what angle I tried, there was a neon glow. What the what??

Frito Corn Salad! A delicious, festive side dish recipe with a creamy, cheesy corn base and Chili Cheese Fritos for a fantastic crunch and tons of flavor!

Then I realized it was my shirt! I was wearing a neon orangey-pink sweatshirt (yes, ma’am, you heard that right… complete with matching neon leggings because I’m over 40 and I do what I want) and the shirt was casting a glow on the food.

With not a minute of sunlight to spare, I looked over at the neighbor’s house to see if their blinds were open (they were, but again, I’m over 40 and I do what I want) and then whipped off my shirt to finish taking pictures.

Husband walked outside and said, WHY is your shirt off?! I quickly explained and he said, The neighbors can SEE you. To which I replied that I didn’t have anything that they hadn’t ever seen before and since they’re still in their twenties it’s prolly time they got a good look at what things are going to look like some day.

Frito Corn Salad! A delicious, festive side dish recipe with a creamy, cheesy corn base and Chili Cheese Fritos for a fantastic crunch and tons of flavor!

As you can see, some of the pictures have a bit of an orange tint but just know that’s just me and my big loud shirt and not the actual color of the salad!

Speaking of the salad! My friend Kristie introduced me to this last summer when our boys were playing all-star baseball together. As we’re prone to do around here, everyone pitched in with covered dishes for a team supper one night after practice and Kristie brought this salad.

I’d never heard of such a thing but that didn’t stop me from digging in! It was the hit of the shin-dig! I went back for thirds before we broke camp.

Frito Corn Salad! A delicious, festive side dish recipe with a creamy, cheesy corn base and Chili Cheese Fritos for a fantastic crunch and tons of flavor!


  1. Don’t leave out the bell peppers or onions even if you don’t love those things by themselves. The crunch and freshness make for the perfect contrast with the rich creaminess from the cheese, sour cream and mayo. 
  2. Wait as long as you can before stirring in the corn chips so that they are still crunchy when you serve the salad. If I'm taking this somewhere, I just bring the bag with me then stir them in later. You'll have about 2 hours max before the fritos start losing their crunch.
  3. Mexi-corn or Fiesta Corn is good in this too. I usually just use whatever I have.
  4. Feel free to use Pepper Jack Cheese instead of cheddar for a little kick.

Frito Corn Salad! A delicious, festive side dish recipe with a creamy, cheesy corn base and Chili Cheese Fritos for a fantastic crunch and tons of flavor!


CREAMY CORN SALSA - An unbelievably addictive dip recipe made with sour cream, cheese, corn that’s packed with Mexican flavors perfect for tortilla chips.

CROCK POT MEXICAN STREET CORN DIP -  A creamy, cheesy slow cooker party dip recipe with all the flavors of hot Mexican Street Corn served warm with tortilla chips.

MEXICAN STREET CORN - An easy recipe for Esquites served as a side dish or warm salad with Mexican crumbling cheese, a creamy spread, fresh cilantro and chili powder.

Recipe for Frito Corn Salad

Frito Corn Salad

Frito Corn Salad
Yield: 12 Servings
Author: Mandy Rivers | South Your Mouth
Prep time: 15 MinTotal time: 15 Min
A delicious, festive side dish recipe with a creamy, cheesy corn base and Chili Cheese Fritos for a fantastic crunch and tons of flavor!


  • 2 15-oz cans corn, drained well
  • 1 cup finely diced red onion
  • 1 cup finely diced green pepper
  • 2/3 cup mayonnaise
  • 2/3 cup sour cream
  • 8 oz. cheddar cheese, shredded (about 2 cups)
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1 10-oz bag Chili Cheese Fritos
  • 1/2 cup chopped cilantro


  1. Combine corn, red onion, green pepper, mayo, sour cream, cheese and salt in a large mixing bowl and stir to combine.
  2. Cover and refrigerate until ready to serve.
  3. When ready to serve (and not before!) fold in corn chips then garnish with cilantro.


Any questions you may have are likely answered in the post above the recipe.

recipe, best, easy, ideas, side dish, potluck, picnic, corn, salad, paula deen, fritos, chili cheese, sour cream, corn chips
Side Dish, salad
Keep up with my latest shenanigans by following South Your Mouth!


  1. Salad looks wonderful. Will try it soon. I love being over 40 too--pretty much do as I please.

  2. Mandy, girl you have my eyes watering reading this one. Love it! The salad looks delish!!

  3. O M G!!! What's not to love--Fritos, corn, sour cream, cheese. Heavenly day, girl. Got to have this soon. Thank you. BTW, girls, you think 40 is freeing, just wait till you're 60. Eureka! ;-)

    1. Amen sister! Just turned 62 and I'm lovin' it (still feel 25 though).

    2. Me too. 60 is amazing

  4. This salad is always a hit, no matter where I take it. I add a ittle chipotle chili powder to mine. Also, if it is just the two of us, we pile the chips on our plate and top with salad. That way the leftovers do not get soggy.

    1. Do you use tortilla chips or fritos to dip into it??

  5. OMG! That is too funny. I choked on my coffee this morning reading this.

  6. You made my day. I had to laugh :)

  7. "'Cuz I'm over 40 and I do what I want"
    OMG - I'm dying because its TRUE!

  8. Love the way you think and I have everything for this salad on my grocery list. Thanks

  9. Lol love this post! You had me smiling all through it. :) This is a recipe my hubby would love so I'm going to try it.

  10. A little bit of bacon or ham would dress this up even more... Gonna have to try this soon!

  11. Over 55 and doing what I want! Looks like a great salad to serve to the family when they are home for the holidays and the grandchildren will love this version of salad.

  12. I serve this as a dip and just use the Fritoes to dip into it. That way if there are any leftovers the Fritoes are still crunchy. This is not as good once the Fritoes are soft. I always get asked for the recipe when I take it for a gathering.

    1. Thanks for the idea. I was wondering if you could just dip Fritos in it.

  13. Hilarious! Letting them see what they have to look forward too!

  14. Love this corn salad, like the idea of the sour cream. I kick it up a little by adding 1/4 cup of diced jalapenos and a tablespoon or two of chili powder. Wonderful.

  15. This is sooooo delish! I used 2 cans of Southwest Corn that I happened to have in my pantry, so I omitted the green bell pepper (the corn had poblano and red bell peppers in it). Otherwise, followed exactly. Super yum!

  16. OMG, just found this and laughed so hard, as I also am over 40, actually 60...UGH...This sound so wonderful, can't wait to try it... Thanks for sharing.
    Suzi M


Hi there! While I’m not able to respond to every comment, I try hard to answer any questions that haven’t been addressed in the post, recipe or in other comments.

I can tell you now 1) I have no idea if you can substitute Minute Rice or brown rice in my recipes because I’ve never used them and 2) If I know how to convert a recipe to a Crock Pot version, I will make a note about it (otherwise, I don’t know).

And though I may not respond to them all, I do read each and every comment and I LOVE to hear from you guys! Thanks, y’all! - Mandy